Immerse into the wonderful Ama Culture in Toba

Immerse into the wonderful Ama Culture in Toba

Recently I've finally been able to visit one of the locations on my bucket list, so as to be able to experience the “ama” culture. Immersing into the ama culture, the wonderful world of Japan’s Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties, it was a truly unforgettable experience.

As we approached the shrine, we found out that there were lots of similar signs along the road. These are the talisman symbol of the ama. These signs are called doman and seman. The whole surroundings became so quiet and peaceful, and I guessed this is because we were entering a sacred place. We started our prayer offerings from the main shrine, wishing for good health for all the people in this area, hoping that there will be no more people suffering from illness. 

Shinmei Shrine is also called Ishigami-san. Ishigami-san is one of the shrines in the general precincts, and is said to grant one single wish to a woman. My friend wrote her wish on the provided paper, then put it into the box and earnestly offered her prayer. 

Our visit to the ama hut and Ishigami-san was a truly unforgettable experience. We were able to immerse ourselves in the local culture and learn about the rich history and traditions of the ama culture. Whether you are a fan of Japanese culture, a traveler, or simply looking for a unique and memorable experience, a visit to this beautiful part of Mie is sure to provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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