Discover Japanese Food and Learn All About Japanese Food Culture at WA-VISON

Discover Japanese Food and Learn All About Japanese Food Culture at WA-VISON

VISON in Taki Town, just outside of Matsusaka City, is a 54-hectare commercial resort that offers a unique experience by showcasing the best of Mie Prefecture and Japan in one location. This hidden gem is set amidst the picturesque mountains of central Mie only a short distance from the Seiwa Taki Interchange. VISON is home to a farm-to-table market, sweets village, state-of-the-art spa, various types of accommodation, dining, and food areas such as WA-VISON, which are designed to impress and educate visitors about Japanese food culture.

Hayashishouten Pickles 

This store specializes in Ise takuan, a type of pickled daikon radish and various Japanese pickles such as carrots, cucumbers, and eggplant. Pickles or tsukemono in Japanese are an important part of the Japanese diet and are usually used as an accompaniment to a traditional meal alongside rice and miso soup.  

About to enter Hayashishouten Pickles

I enjoyed a long-pickled cucumber skewered on a stick, which was super crunchy and really refreshing to eat on a warm summer’s day.  

Enjoying one of their fine products

Additive-free Store Okume  

This long-established dashi stock store was founded way back in 1871 and sells a range of additive-free food products from all over Japan.  

Entering the world of Japanese dashi stock

A variety of additive-free sauces 

One of its most notable achievements is selling the world’s first made-to-order packs of dashi bonito stock. Visitors can choose from twenty-four different ingredients, which are blended, ground and packed ready to be taken home to enjoy. Each pack has a nice personal touch with the customer’s name on the label.  

A range of the dashi stock ingredients

The easy-to-use checklist for your own dashi stock 

Selecting the perfect combination of ingredients for my personalized dashi stock turned out to be much simpler than anticipated. The store’s convenient checklist divided the twenty-four ingredients into 4 different groups. All I had to do was simply choose one or two options from each group, which made the process foolproof. The helpful staff also guided me through, providing informative descriptions of each ingredient and a chance to savor the aroma before making my selection. In a mere 15 minutes, my one-of-a-kind original dashi stock was prepared and sealed, ready to be taken home to be used in my kitchen.   

Carefully choosing my ingredients 

The finished product ready to be taken home 

Wrap Up 

If you are looking for a fantastic place to discover Japanese food and learn all about Japanese food culture, look no further than WA-VISON in Mie Prefecture.  

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