World Heritage Site Kumano Kodo Iseji. Nature worship and beautiful cultural landscapes existing for over a millennium continue to be passed on to future generations

The Kumano Kodo is a pilgrimage route to the three grand shrines of Kumano, known as the Kumano Sanzan, which are sacred sites with rich histories. Valuable cultural landscapes have been preserved along the Kumano Kodo Iseji route, which connects Ise Jingu with the Kumano Sanzan, including a magnificent stone-paved path, cypress forest, and a shrine said to be the oldest in Japan.
World Heritage Site Kumano Kodo
The Kumano Kodo is a pilgrimage route to the Kumano Sanzan (three grand shrines of Kumano in Wakayama Prefecture: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, and Kumano Nachi Taisha).
The route has a long history, in use since at least the Heian period (794–1185). As the Edo period (1603–1867) proverb "Seven times to Ise, three times to Kumano" indicates, people in the past longed to visit the special places of Ise and Kumano during their lifetimes.
In 2004, “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range,” which encompasses Kumano Kodo, was registered as a World Heritage site, while 2024 marked the 20th anniversary of this recognition. Only two pilgrimage routes have been registered as World Heritage sites globally: Kumano Kodo and the Routes of Santiago de Compostela, which stretches between France and Spain. This makes the route an incredibly unique place.
The Kii Mountain Range, which is crossed by the Kumano Kodo path, is a mountainous area with peaks ranging from one to two thousand meters above sea level. Moreover, the region sees annual precipitation levels in excess of 3,000 mm; this abundant rainfall has given rise to a distinctive natural landscape.
In Japan, people have worshipped nature since ancient times, believing that gods, known as kami, dwelt in natural objects. Giant rocks, waterfalls, and other natural features along the Kumano Kodo are carefully protected to this day as objects of people’s worship.
Kumano Kodo Iseji
The Kumano Kodo includes several routes that connect Ise with Yoshino and Koyasan in Nara Prefecture, along with Kyoto and Osaka.
Iseji is the route linking Ise Jingu with the Kumano Sanzan. The route would have been in regular use by pilgrims between the Muromachi and Edo periods (1336–1867).During the Edo period (1603–1867) in particular, worshipping at the sacred Ise Jingu shrine was in vogue, with large numbers of ordinary people heading first to Ise Jingu, then moving on to another sacred site, the three grand shrines of the Kumano Sanzan.
Magose-toge Pass
You can enjoy many spectacular views along the Kumano Kodo Iseji.
Among these is the Magose-toge Pass. Must-see spots are the stone-paved path, said to be the most beautiful along the Kumano Kodo Iseji, and the cypress forest.
Along the Magose-toge Pass, a two-kilometer long stone-paved path has been preserved since the Edo period (1603–1867).
Interesting to note is that the stones used for paving the path were not carried to the pass from outside; rather, the path was assembled using locally procured natural stones.
The skillfully paved stone path and other cultural landscapes are being carefully conserved up to the present day.
Kumano Kodo, with a millennium’s worth of history, is protected by the efforts of ordinary people
We spoke to Mr. Nishio, a member of the Kumano Kodo Iseji Kataribe Guide Association who is involved in conservation activities alongside providing guided tours along the Kumano Kodo.
“The Kumano Kodo is characterized by landscapes created through a combination of nature and human activities over a history spanning a thousand years. If we leave the area to fend for itself, ferns and similar plant species will become overgrown, trees will fall down more frequently, and the stone-paved path will be damaged. Meanwhile, if people take care of the route, the cultural landscape will be preserved for future generations, making it walkable for years to come.”
While efforts are being made to conserve the abundant natural and cultural landscapes of the Kumano Kodo, the route is also being improved for the convenience of visitors by providing toilets, rest areas, and parking lots at each of the passes. This is to encourage more people to come and walk the route.
Mr. Nishio says, “We hope to protect the cultures of walking and friendly interactions with other people along the Kumano Kodo.”
He also mentioned actually having had opportunities to witness people warmly interacting with one another along the Kumano Kodo. This includes walkers greeting each other cheerfully as they pass by one another along the route, along with people helping those in need.
It seems that walking the Kumano Kodo allows people to experience the value of routes protected by ordinary people and the warmth of interactions between fellow humans, on top of the beauty of nature.
Japan’s Oldest Shinto Shrine, Hana-no-Iwaya
An appearance that evokes its mystical nature
Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are dotted all over the Kumano Kodo, so visitors can walk along the route while taking in its mystical atmosphere.
The Hana-no-Iwaya Shrine can be found along the Kumano Kodo Iseji.This shrine appears in Japan’s earliest chronicle of history, written in 720, and for this reason is said to be the oldest shrine in Japan.
Please note that the shrine does not have a Shaden, or main shrine building. Hana-no-Iwaya is dedicated to a 45-meter-high rock that juts out onto the neighboring Shichirimihama. The giant rock gives a sense of the cultural tradition of naturism.
A timeless ritual culture that still exists today
At Hana-no-Iwaya Shrine, a festival to mourn the death of the enshrined deity has been held since ancient times, and even today, the event continues unbroken in February and October each year.
The festival includes a rope-hanging ritual called Otsunakake Shinji.
Seven 180-meter-long ropes are bound together and hung from the summit of the deified giant rock, then pulled and suspended across the shrine precinct up to the water’s edge of the neighboring Shichirimihama Beach.
The ropes are believed to mark the boundary of the gods, while at the same time connecting our world with the mythical realm of Tokoyo no Kuni beyond the sea.
The ropes are bound together within the shrine precinct at the end of the ritual.
They are then left suspended until they break naturally, and since they rarely fall down before the next festival, you can normally see the ropes hanging at Hana-no-Iwaya Shrine at almost any time of year. Don’t forget to view the ropes during your visit.
Shichirimihama Coastal Pilgrimage Route
Stunning vistas along the coastline
Shichirimihama is the longest pebble beach in Japan, stretching about 22 kilometers from the city of Kumano in Mie Prefecture to the town of Kiho, which sits at the southernmost point of Mie.
Due to its role as a coastal road and a path for religious pilgrims heading to the Kumano Sanzan and other sacred sites, the beach was registered as a World Heritage site.
The contrast between endlessly curving coastline, white waves, sandy beach, and green pine forest creates a sublime view that you won’t be able to tear your eyes away from.
This beauty has led to the beach being held in high regard in Japan as a spectacular natural landscape; accolades include being selected for the Best Beach 100 list.
Pilgrims and travelers of old must have also felt a sense of calm when taking in this view.
Mihama pebbles
As you walk along the water’s edge at Shichirimihama, you can hear the sound of tumbling pebbles together with that of gently crashing waves.
These small stones are known as Mihama pebbles. Mihama pebbles are formed into a rounded shape by nature, from the rich natural environment of the Kumano River to the rough waters of the Kumano Sea. You can find them spread out all along the coast.
They have long been used as high-grade paving stones in gardens.
As a way of conserving the natural landscape, members of the public are not permitted to take any pebbles. People with special permission to pick up pebbles collect them one at a time by hand.
These Mihama pebbles are yet another carefully protected object along the Kumano Kodo.
Windbreak forest
The verdant green pine forest at Shichirimihama was created in the Edo period (1603–1867) as a way of blocking the wind.
However, damage by pine wood nematodes led to the tall pines almost disappearing from the landscape.
Since then, local residents and conservation councils have continually worked on tree planting and forest cleanup activities in an effort to restore the pine forest to its former glory.
Even today, the pine forest plays an important role in coastal disaster prevention, protecting people from strong sea winds, tidal damage, and wind-blown sand, on top of bringing people a feeling of calm with its stunning scenery.
Along the Kumano Kodo Iseji, a World Heritage registered site, you can find breathtaking landscapes that have been cultivated and protected by both nature and humans for over a thousand years. Why not discover its immense beauty for yourself?
Magose-toge Pass
【Adress】Kihoku-cho, Kitamuro-gun, Mie prefecture - Owase city, Mie prefecture
(三重県北牟婁郡紀北町 - 三重県尾鷲市)
【Phone】0597-89-6172 (Higashikishu Regional Organization)
【Official website】
Hana-no-Iwaya Shrine
【Adress】Arima-cho, Kumano city, Mie prefecture
(三重県北牟婁郡紀北町 - 三重県尾鷲市)
【Phone】0597-89-0100 (Kumano City Tourism Association)
【Adress】Kumano city - Kiho-cho
(熊野市 - 紀宝町)
【Phone】0597-89-0100 (Kumano City Tourism Association)